Here are 5 Moves to strengthen your core, booty, and pelvic floor.

These exercises are great to do throughout your pregnancy (and when you’re approved postpartum).

Complete 3 sets of 10-15 reps

1. Bird Dog

Begin on all fours in a tabletop position, with your wrists under your shoulders and your knees under your hips. Inhale as you lift the opposite arm and leg up while engaging your pelvic floor by pulling your sitting bones together and drawing upward. As you connect your arm and leg, draw everything up and in, imagining your pelvic floor wrapping up and around your baby.

2. Squat with Lower Core Lift

Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, shoulders back, heart forward, and your pelvis slightly tucked. Inhale as you lower into a squat. As you stand, exhale drawing your pelvic floor up and in.

3. Glute Kickbacks

Balance on one leg with your core engaged. Bend and kick one heel back engaging your glutes and hamstrings. Imagine your TVA (Transverse Abdominis) wrapping around your baby by engaging your deep core muscles.

4. Oblique Crunch

Standing with your feet hip width apart, lift one leg up, connecting your knee with your same side arm. Inhale as you stretch and extend, exhale and engage your core as you crunch together.

5. Modified side plank with leg abduction

Begin in a modified side plank on your forearm and knee. As you lift, abduct your leg engaging the glutes and core. Inhale on the way down, exhale as you lift up. Gently engage your core and pelvic floor (imagine drawing your navel toward your spine and lifting your pelvic floor upward).

Enjoy the workout mama!

Your trainer,




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