To kick-off celebrating International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month, I sat down with Lauren Conrad and Hannah Skvarla, co-founders of The Little Market. The Little Market is a non-profit, fair trade shop that features ethically sourced, artisan-made products. These two amazing women have made it their mission that “every person has the right to dignified, safe jobs with fair and living wages”. When women are financially independent, they can support each other, they can become educated, they have better health, and young women can stay in school and go on to become whatever their hearts desire. 

Lauren and Hannah are truly leading the way in change by providing sustainably made products to improve the quality of life for women around the world. If you’re curious about how you can start your own mission-driven company or a non-profit with a purpose, or maybe you’re just curious about the little market— you’re going to love this episode. 

They share how they got the Little Market started, the obstacles that they overcame along the way, and the work that they are continuing to do to make a difference in the world both globally and locally.

In this episode with Lauren and Hannah, we talk about the last International Women’s Day Event that they hosted. I was able to hear from some of the most amazing activists who shared how they are cultivating change and making a difference.

One woman who spoke that day was Lorraine Sheinberg…to hear more about her and the impact that she had on me, check out my previous episode, It’s Not Too Late For You.


Fair Trade, Ethically Sourced- Shop The Little Market while supporting meaningful income opportunities for artisans and their families, making a positive, long-lasting impact around the globe.



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