Comments on: Podcast 003: It’s Not Too Late For You Fitness, nutrition, wellness, Recipes and Lifestyle with Katrina Scott Wed, 21 Apr 2021 18:44:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Annet Wed, 21 Apr 2021 18:44:44 +0000 Just what I needed in these times Katrina.
It feels like talking to a very very good friend.
I am admiring your vulnerability and honesty.
Your voice is very calming and love to listen to you. Love to hear new episodes but take care of yourself as well busy girl!

By: Jen Fri, 05 Mar 2021 17:50:56 +0000 Thank you so much for sharing this podcast and for starting! You have been an inspiration! I started following TIU 7 years ago and I loved the freshness that you and Karena brought into the Fitness World. I’m glad you didn’t listen to the naysayers and kept going and keep going! This podcast brought me to tears as I was listening and following along with my TIU5K program, I literally had to pause my treadmill, lol! When you asked the question, “What is the one thing you want or want to do in life? What is holding you back? Just do it! Live life without regrets!” (I’m paraphrasing) but I’m in my early 40’s and have wanted to pursue my college degree, it’s been on again off again for years, knowing that there are other women who feel the same way at my age, gives me hope! I’m going back to school this Fall, I’ve already submitted my application! This is the year to have no regrets and to Live Beautifully! Thank you for your kindness and inspiration that you have put out into the world!

By: Katie Wed, 03 Mar 2021 22:32:45 +0000 I didn’t think this podcast would hit me so hard! My husband and I just followed our dream and moved to California. So many people didn’t understand why and tried to talk us out of it. But we did it – and we’re so happy!
Now we dream of owning our own businesses, pursing further education, starting a family, etc. and it’s so easy to get caught up in the fear and negativity. The visualization exercise was a great reminder that, if we’ve made it this far, whose to say how far we can go?
Thank you so much for always being real and taking the time to let us know how much potential we have, no matter the age or situation in life!

By: Eleni Wed, 03 Mar 2021 12:10:54 +0000 My walks with the stroller are no longer lonely thanks to you. This episode was a light for my soul today and I am forever grateful to you for sharing with us these words. It literally brought tears to my eyes. Love love love from Greece!

By: Bhava Tue, 02 Mar 2021 08:08:06 +0000 I listened to this while running and it really got to me. I’m over 40 and felt stuck! I decided then I’m going to start training for the half-marathon. And the next thing I know TIU has a 5k Programme… the pieces are fitting together! Thank you!

By: Katrina Scott Mon, 01 Mar 2021 22:59:13 +0000 In reply to Kat.

aww love this. you’ve got tis!!! also, right now I can’t text outside the US, but feel free to send me AMA topics on my contact page!

By: Alicia Sun, 28 Feb 2021 22:04:40 +0000 Love love love this. So happy she put the original episode on hold. Third time listening to this one and I want to listen to it again! It is not to late for me but just the beginning!

By: Kat Sat, 27 Feb 2021 09:45:26 +0000 Thank you so much for this episode! Your podcast is part of my new Saturday morning routine. I get up, meditate and after that listen to your podcast while making some tea and breakfast. I feel so motivated and start my day with lot’s of energy and inspiration. I also just quit my job and want to start my own business. You cover so much and this helps me a lot to stay on track. I will text you again when I did it 🙂 Is there a way to text to your number from Europe? Thanks, Kat

By: Kim Sat, 27 Feb 2021 07:59:18 +0000 💖💖💖]]> I absolutely loved this episode and found it incredibly inspiring. Thank you so much.
What i am struggling with now is knowing what I want to do. I have the job I wanted when I was 8 years old. 3 battles with cancer and endless rounds of ivf and u now have the children i so desperately dreamed of having. I am happily married and live in a beautiful home. I am incredibly grateful for all that I have. However, my youngest child is now 18 months and I feel a little lost This year has made realise that I want to do all of the things that I have only dreamed of doing and have job that I truly love, not a job I was expected to have.
The problem is, I don’t know what I actually want. I feel like I don’t know where to go next yet I have the energy, passion and desire to move forwards. Would it be possible to make a future episode on finding your passion?
Thank you so much for all that you are doing to inspire us 🥰💖💖💖
